Are You Experiencing Identity Theft?
You’ve lost your job, your title, your paycheck and are left wondering who you are and where you go from here? Back to the same old, same old – or maybe on to something new?
Welcome to your career coffee break! We want transition to be a positive experience for you! Your best is yet to come.
Why Use a Coach During Transition?
Your potential future income stream is likely your largest single life asset. An investment in YOU will pay dividend for years to come. This is not a time to go into scarcity mode. Coaching will not only likely help you land faster, it will help ensure you find the right job not just your next job. Both help create an immediate return on investment often paying for the coaching in a matter of weeks.
Together, We Can Have You:
Rediscovering your personal identity in the absence of a job title.
Understanding where you have thrived in the past, what allowed you to thrive and what made the situation so meaningful – so you can find the job of your dreams.
Understanding what is getting in your way as you move through transition and then removing those obstacles.
Getting your game on again – regaining your confidence and self-esteem.
Considering and exploring career options.
Developing and executing against a marketing plan (resume, bio, personal brand, elevator pitch, LinkedIn profile, target audiences, etc.).
Developing and executing against an operating plan (working a plan, having your game on every day, discipline and accountability, using your strengths in transition, etc.).
NetPLAYingTM – Taking the WORK out of Networking! There’s an 85% chance your job will come through Networking. You will gain access to the robust All-Star Executive Coaching network of senior executives and business leaders to help you in your search.
Enhancing leadership skills that will have you be even more successful in your new job.
Increasing your communication skills so you connect, establish rapport, give energy and have more influence with people you are meeting with.
Stepping into the leader that you are – Working from an empowered state of mind.
Enhancing you interview skills.
Using positive psychology to keep you motivated and inspired.
Having fun and making the most of your career coffee break!
You Don’t Just Want Another Job.
You Want the RIGHT Job!

Miguel Serricchio
EVP – Channel Management & Strategy
I have had the distinct pleasure of working with Kimberly for the past 3 months. WOW is the best way to describe the experience. As an Executive Coach, Kimberly has been instrumental for me. She’s helped me better understand my strengths, likes, dislikes and who I am at my best moments.
My brand has greatly been improved thanks to Kimberly. Her extensive experience gives her insights valuable in assisting professionals as they move along with their careers.
Through her coaching I’m learned many new things about myself, who I am, and where I should go. All I can say is I would have loved to have met her 10 years ago!
Jeff Rose
CEO, Employee Health Services
Here’s the simple statement: Kimberly changed my life. For years, I had struggled with self-doubt and anxiety. Kimberly’s comprehensive, methodical, compassionate approach produced a lasting change. She taught me and enabled me to create processes and structures to keep these terrible emotions at bay. She has an abundant range of tools and tactics that she accesses seamlessly to fit specific situations. She is amazing.
Joanna Oliva
Chief Financial Officer
Water and Power Community Credit Union
Working with Kimberly is a joy.
She is a great inspiration and coach. She is very smart and insightful. She engages with you and helps you see your full potential. She is highly trained in Executive Coaching. Her successful corporate career allows her to connect with the challenges of her clients.
Allyn Lean
The Glenn Allyn Group
Kimberly has the innate ability to bring out the best in you and build on existing personality traits and skill sets to enhance marketability and provide tools that differentiate and define leadership style.